Arriverà uno tsunami in Europa?


Le previsioni complete dei movimenti tettonici: 

Crepe nella crosta terrestre

AVVISO: Questo articolo si basa sulle previsioni di Zeta Talk/Nancy Lieder. Seppure queste teorie viaggiano a cavallo tra confutazioni e scetticismo, ho deciso di pubblicare le dichiarazioni di queste persone per dovere di cronaca e per far conoscere al pubblico italiano il lavoro di divulgazione di sue siti internet come Zeta Talk e Poleshift.ning. Il presente articolo si completa con i pezzi “Crepe nella crosta terrestre” e “Perché tanti uccelli morti I & II”. Nonostante la maggior parte degli avvisi e delle previsioni di Zeta Talk siano risultate veri, siete liberi di credere oppure no alle loro teorie spesso catastrofiste. bueno buono good pensa che solo chi vivrà, vedrà. Certo è che il magnetismo terrestre è in divenire continuo, le placche tettoniche si muovono e continueranno a farlo e la geografia mondiale è destinata a cambiare drasticamente. Buona lettura.

Il nostro pianeta sta attraversando un’Era molto importante e la stiamo vivendo in prima persona, oggi stesso. Lo spostamento dei poli magnetici della Terra è rimasto un argomento taciuto all’opinione pubblica, un tema additato più come fantascientifico che come reale, una notizia su cui non attirare troppo l’attenzione.  Noi, plebe televisiva e compra-giornali, pur avendo sentito parlare o letto da qualche parte dei poli magnetici, abbiamo voltato pagina con un mah, sicuro ci avviserebbero, se fosse pericoloso, sentendoci più protetti dal progresso tecnologico che impauriti dalle profezie dei Maya, pensando che l’influenza astronomica sul magnetismo terrestre, lo spostamento dei poli, il cambio climatico, i grossi movimenti tettonici della Terra e le conseguenti catastrofi avvengano solo in film come 2012.

E purtroppo è stato un errore.

Poi ci sono i mass-media tradizionali, che da sempre non raccontano le storie come stanno, senza essere filtrati dalle influenze politiche ed economiche.

E questo, purtroppo, è un altro errore. I mass-media dovrebbero essere più indipendenti, informare e formare l’opinione pubblica a base di verità e partecipazione collettiva (per lo meno internet ci permette di fare qualcosa…, ndr).

Infine i Governi… poco da dire, da sempre non informano i cittadini… ma questa è una vecchia storia di potere e politica, quindi, lasciamo stare, perché quello che è importante è che, anche loro, hanno commesso un errore, il grosso errore di non condividere e collaborare con i propri concittadini.

E poi cominciano ad arrivare le conseguenze di tutti questi errori. E le stiamo vivendo oggi.

In questo articolo vi presento quello potrebbe avvenire nei prossimi mesi, in relazione e conseguenza ai cambiamenti del magnetismo terrestre.

Dedico questo articolo a tutte le genti del Giappone, dell’Australia, dell’Indonesia ed a tutte le vittime di terremoti, tsunami e catastrofi che si stanno susseguendo in questi mesi in tutto il mondo.

Matteo Vitiello

7 of 10 – Cosa sta succedendo alla Terra?

“The Zetas started describing progress towards the Pole shift on a scale of 1-10 in March 2008 (starting at a 2-3) and afterwards were asked for updates on the progression as we slowly moved up to a 6 and beyond. At the end of 2009 Nancy recalled a holographic presentation given to her during a visit which gave the first indications of what to expect during a 7 out of 10, that at least one of the events would occur in 2010 and what effect this might have on plans being made, the population in general and the economy. They advised what causes the 7 out of 10 scenarios and whether governments will become more open and warn their citizens and what would happen to the cover-up; also that anxietywould increase and that people are still in denial about what it all means for them.

After hints regarding timing of the events, the Zetas disclosed detailed information on what will occur and explained why the release of information, revealing that the event expected before the end of 2010 was the sinking of the Indonesian tongue of the Eurasian plate. People were still sceptical about the prediction or angry when things didn’t happen as expected. Others worried about being cut off from Zetatalk, nuclear reactor accidents and skyscrapers collapsing.

In Indonesia, precursors were noted on the eastern side of the Indo-Australian Plate and in Bangkok among others. UFOs were seen in Chinaand Taiwan, warning of what was coming, while the major leaders resisted taking the message seriously. The Zetas gave warnings for Singapore, the Philippines, India, Hong Kong, the Mentawai Islands and the Bonin Islands. They also advised of the possibility of tsunamioccurring or China suppressing their media but said thatvolcanoes would not increase in activity more than they already have. They also provided detailed information on how much sinking would occur across the plate and more fully explained the folding Pacific.

For South America, the Zetas have described what the continent can expect, whether any tsunami will occur and which major cities will be affected, along with predictions for the Caribbean, the volcanoes there and Central America, including Mexico. These changes are all expected to follow closely behind the adjustments in Indonesia.

The Africa roll comes next with the Zetas describing the plate movements but can’t give all the details, although the effects on Italy, South Africa, the Canary Islands and Egypt were explained.

The size of the quakes and tsunami that will strike Japan was addressed with UFO warnings for North America as they will also experience quakes and a tsunami. Vancouver and Hawaii were also detailed.

The New Madrid earthquake follows the big quakes in Japan and will continue to adjust up until the pole shift after one big jolt which also causes the St Lawrence Seaway to split and how there will be no doubt it has occurred. The west coast reacts to the large quake which will tear communication cables but no volcanic activity is expected in the Eastern US. The Zetas were also asked about Florida, Chicago and how it would compare to the pole shift.

Just hours afterwards, the North Atlantic Rift tears sending a tsunami racing towards Europe, propelled by the gulf stream. The Zetas describe how it hits the Bristol Channel, the Irish Sea and passes through the English Channel to hit theeast coast of Britain, devastate Denmark and what the residents of Denmark can expect. Sweden and France will be hit (among others) but Iceland and the Arctic Circle will be unaffected. Advice is given on how to warn people and how far inland to be although water will wash inland along rivers. There will be repeat tsunamibut smaller and how the different countries will react is mentioned.

The 8 out of 10 events are mentioned but little detail is given out. We’re told that they may include exploding oil fields in Iraq, blending of the seasons, continuous plate movement, increased visibility of Planet X and there’s something in store for Italy. All of the 7 out of 10 events will complete before we move to an 8 but they will warm up during that time and the last weeks which is the 9 out of 10 have been detailed.

Now, in 2011, we have arrived at a 7 out of 10 with buoys showing the effect on the Philippines, flooding in Australia and Sumatra and Javasinking. The Java coastlines shows undeniable sinking while the media excuses switch from rain to high tides. Sudden mass instances of dead birds and fish show the increase of earth movement around the globe but the pace is slower than the Zetas first anticipated although South America starts showing signs of what’s next”. (ZetaTalk ™)

Cosa succederà ai Paesi ed alle città?


Afghanistan, Africa, Algeria, Angola, Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bermuda, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Burma, Cambodia, Canada, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Crimea, Croatia, Czech, Slovakia, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, England, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Greenland, Guam, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jordan, Kazakstan, Kenya, Korea, Libya, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania,Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Guinea, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Rhodesia, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Serbia, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, SW Africa, Spain, Sudan, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Tibet, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yucatan, Slovenia, Zambia


Atlanta, Auckland, Baku, Banglore, Beijing, Beirut, Belgrade, Berlin, Bogota, Bonn, Brandenburg, Buenos Aires, Budapest,Buffalo, Cairo, Calgary, Cape Town, Caracas, Chicago, Christchurch, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Guadalajara, Hong Kong, Indianapolis, Irkusk, Jakarta, Kansas City, Knoxville, La Paz, Lima, London, Los Angeles, Louisville, Madrid, Mexico City, Melbourne, Minneapolis, Montreal, Montevideo, Moscow, Mumbai, Munich, New York, Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Ottawa, Paris, Perth, Phoenix, Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Portland, Prague, Quebec City, Rome, St. Petersburg, Salt Lake, San Diego, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, Santa Fe, Santiago, Sarajevo, Seattle, Seoul, Singapore, Stockton, Sydney, Tokyo, Toledo, Toronto, Tucson, Vancouver, Victoria, Vladivostok, Washington DC, Wroclaw

Coast Lines:

East Coast, Mediterranean, West Coast


Alps, Altay, Andes, Appalachian, Balcans, Canadian Rockies, Himalayas, Ozarks, Sierras, Urals


Azores, Bermuda, Bonin, Borneo, Canary, Caribbean (see List), Crete, Cuba, Diaoyu, Fiji, Guam, Hawaii, Java, Madeira, Mariana, Mediterranean, Mentawai, New Guinea, Pacific Islands, Reunion, Sandwich, Solomon, Sumatra, Tasmania, Vancouver

Questa cartina rappresenta l’Italia dopo un innalzamento del livello del mare di circa 60 metri , così come si prevede accadrà in seguito ad un eventuale tsunami europeo (si prevede, inoltre, un innalzamento del livello del mare di circa 200 metri, nell’arco dei due anni successivi al Pole Shift)


Leggi anche:

Crepe nella crosta terrestre