La verità sul fatidico 21 Dicembre 2012


Sono stati scritti centinaia di libri, dedicati siti web, trasmessi speciali attraverso televisione e radio sul tema 2012 e fine del mondo. Non abbiate paura, il mondo non finirà, quello che accadrà il prossimo anno ve lo spiega con parole semplici un Maya in persona, Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, conosciuto anche come Wakatel Utiw,  “Wandering Wolf”.

 Messaggio di Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj 

Guatemala, 8 Aprile 2011

To my brothers and sisters around the world:

In the name of the Heart of the Heavens and the Heart of the Earth, greetings from Guatemala and the National Council of Elders Mayas, Xinca and Garifuna.

I, Wakatel Utiw, “Wandering Wolf,” Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, humbly offer this message to you. I speak now of what we see happening in the world today. According to the Maya Calendars we are living in the time of the 13 Baktun and 13 Ajau. This is a time that comes accompanied with great pain.

We are seeing a series of events approaching us as never seen before, these events come charged with tremendous sufferings and pain. They will happen in different places. They will touch us equally, men and women, old and young, indigenous or non-indigenous.

All this is due to the contamination. The atmosphere has lost its control. We the Maya see it with much sadness that we will see hunger and drought. Plagues will invade the fields and affect the agriculture; new illnesses will appear and will be difficult to cure. The sun rays are getting stronger and stronger as time goes by.

Our recommendation to avoid more suffering is this: No more nuclear testing, no more wars, no more mining and other explorations, no more use of chemicals. This is the only way the human race, the animals and the ancient trees could survive and see the new Sun*. If we do not change, few will be the ones to survive and see the arrival of the 6th Sun.

Let’s reconcile with our Creator and our Mother Earth, each one in our own way. For us the Maya will be with our Sacred Fire.


Wandering Wolf

Matteo Vitiello

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